Saturday, March 28, 2020

Ser 321 Tutoring Program

Ser 321 Tutoring ProgramThe Ser 321 Tutoring program can be designed to suit the needs of almost any student. Of course, this particular curriculum will need a teacher on site to teach the classes to the students in the designated class. One great aspect of the program is that there are no costs associated with this program. The students are responsible for their own transportation to and from school, as well as the meals they eat during the day.Since there are no classroom meetings at Ser 321, the tutors can spend a large amount of time with the students. This allows the students to interact with one another while learning new things. Of course, teachers do not have to worry about being late, or having to miss a meeting for work. Students can usually come to their class to meet with the tutor at any time.The tutors will also have tuition money included in their paychecks. However, if the tutors make it a habit to teach all students in a group, then those students could still pay tui tion each week. Of course, if there are two students in a group who do not pay for the tuition money, then the group will not get the full amount they owe.Curriculum is usually followed to the letter for each class. However, it is up to the parents and students to decide whether the instruction is helping them learn more about the subject they are taking. Some classes will include the use of a vocabulary word generator, spelling check, and online quizzes.It is important to keep track of the class so that parents can know how well the students are doing. One great way to do this is to use software that is available. The software is user friendly and will give information about what the students are learning at every single class.The best part about using the tutoring software is that there is an option to determine how long the class will last. This allows parents to pay attention to how the class is progressing. Parents can make sure that they are paying attention to what their chil d is learning and gaining knowledge from.Many parents wonder whether it is beneficial to have a son or daughter tutoring for them. However, if the parents make sure that they are enrolling their child in the right class, then it is a good investment for the family.

Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Questions You Hope Your Family Doesnt Ask Over Winter Break

10 Questions You Hope Your Family Doesn't Ask Over Winter Break Photo Via: As fun as this question is, I think it’s safe to say we are all tired of hearing it. While we can appreciate the fact that our family is convinced we’re going to grow old with seven to eight cats (at least two named Mittens), the constant reminder that we’re single isn’t necessary. Trust us, we know. Suggested Response: No, but don’t worry, I passed the pet store the other day and there’s still an abundance of cats waiting to be adopted. So my backup plan is solid. 2. How’s school?: Photo Via: When you know the only response you’re going to get is “fine” or maybe “good,” why do you even bother asking? I think we can all just assume from now until the end of time that school is a necessary, extremely boring part of our lives that we’d rather not talk about when we finally get the chance to leave it. Suggested Response: School’s probably about as fun for me as work is for you. 3. So you’ve been busy, huh?: Photo Via: We know that when you ask this you really mean why haven’t you called? Yes we’ve been busy; no we don’t always have time to call. Trust us, if we could choose, we’d be talking on the phone with relatives instead of writing yet another 12 page paper. Suggested Response: List everything that you’ve done over the past week. Then follow up with: so just a little busy. 4. How were your finals?: Photo Via: Again, can we just please assume that finals are always terrible? We probably did fine on them, but that doesn’t make them any less draining. Three hours spent in an uncomfortable seat filling in answers on something far too small to be considered a desk: not exactly my idea of a good time. Suggested Response: Eh, not so bad. Alcohol can help you through anything, am I right? 5. Did you make any new friends?: Photo Via: If you could just come out and say you don’t like the friends we currently have or that you don’t think we have enough friends, that would be great. Yet every year, we get called out as the Netflix-loving, friendless losers that we are. Suggested Response: Well, I re-watched the tenth season of “Friends,” if that’s what you mean. And trust me, Chandler and I have never been closer. 6. Do you have any plans for break?: Photo Via: For the first time since school started in August, you have no plans whatsoever. But for some reason, your family would prefer that you did. Every year we answer “nope” and every year that answer isn’t good enough. There’s no winning. Suggested Response: Actually, yes. I have a few movie dates with Netflix, several sleepovers with my dog and I know my butt and the couch have been dying to get together, so hopefully I’ll have time for that as well. 7. So what do you want to do again?: Photo Via: Every family gathering we have to explain what our career plans are. How interesting can hearing “I want to be a teacher” over and over again be? We even get bored talking about our career paths, so why you want to hear about them several times is beyond us. Suggested Response: I aspire to be a stay at home son/daughter. 8. So when do you go back?: Photo Via: I’ll tell you now, the last thing we want to think about when we’re home is having to go back in January. We’re finally done with school, and I promise we won’t be thinking about it again until the first day of classes of the spring semester. Suggested Response: Hopefully I don’t have to. 9. Do you go to the gym?: Photo Via: You might as well ask if we’ve gained weight, because we can pretty much promise the last time we saw the gym was the first day of school. So until a superpower develops where you can gain health benefits by watching someone else work out, it’s safe to assume that we don’t go to the gym. Suggested Response: I walk to class once a week … that counts right? 10. Do you eat enough?: Photo Via: For the perpetually skinny, this question comes up at every family party. I don’t know what it is about being skinny that worries family members, but it’s always a question of whether or not you are capable of feeding yourself. Suggested Response: I mean, I have an entire box of macaroni and cheese, 2 bags of hot Cheetos and a case of pop a day, so really it’s a matter of what I eat rather than how much I eat. So hopefully these answers supply you with some entertainment at your family holiday parties, despite the continuous flow of questions you hoped wouldn’t come up. Good luck!

Defying Age Limits How One Student Conquered the Stage and Academics

Defying Age Limits How One Student Conquered the Stage and Academics Defying Age Limits: How One Student Conquered the Stage and Academics Leya, 12-years-old, Level K At 12-years-old, Leya was the youngest member of a prestigious international dance production performing Bharathanatym, an Indian classical dance. It was there she received the opportunity to perform with many accomplished artists in the field. Her young age didn’t deter her focus. Something she has already learned in Kumon. “I don’t see myself restricted to age level in anything I do now,” says Leya. “Kumon has given me a particular sense of confidence that I can be as smart as I want in anything I do. I know that I can achieve anything I want if I work on something consistently and with a sincere will and plan to do it.” Because Leya spent a lot of time traveling internationally with the dance production, she missed some time in school. The solid academic foundation and study skills she learned in Kumon helped her not only stay on pace with her classmates, but actually surpass her school grade level. She’s 12-years old studying high school algebra concepts in the Kumon Program. “Because of the skills I have learned in Kumon, I have the discipline and confidence to catch up on school work on my own when I’m travelling. Kumon has made my school work that much easier.” Leya gives us a little insight into how she approaches her Kumon studies. What is a challenge you faced in Kumon? How did you overcome it? In the beginning, Kumon was very easy for me. As I got into higher levels above my grade and to topics that were new to me, it became a challenge to not only do my work, but to self-learn and understand it. I used to seek help from my parents, but I knew that wasn’t what I was supposed to do. Instead, I decided to figure out the problems by myself, with minimum help, and repeat the problems to understand them and then gain the speed. What keeps you motivated in Kumon? I am always excited for the opportunity to learn something new. I love being introduced to different formulas and concepts like square roots and parabolic equations. I stay motivated because at Kumon my ability to learn, understand, and enjoy math isn’t restricted by my age or grade. I’m able to work independently and learn at my own pace without having to wait on anyone to catch up. And because of that, I’m also not afraid to make any mistakes. Instead, I learn from them and correct myself. All of these things keep me motivated. “In Kumon, you have to a have a lot of perseverance to keep going and have that drive and will to reach the higher level.”-Leya You might also be interested in: As Easy as Eating Cake: This Student Tackles Every Challenge that Comes His Way Defying All Odds: This Kumon Student is Headed to the Special Olympics Learning without Limits: This 6th Grader is Taking College Courses This Ballerina Applies Discipline And Perseverance On And Off The Stage Defying Age Limits How One Student Conquered the Stage and Academics Defying Age Limits: How One Student Conquered the Stage and Academics Leya, 12-years-old, Level K At 12-years-old, Leya was the youngest member of a prestigious international dance production performing Bharathanatym, an Indian classical dance. It was there she received the opportunity to perform with many accomplished artists in the field. Her young age didn’t deter her focus. Something she has already learned in Kumon. “I don’t see myself restricted to age level in anything I do now,” says Leya. “Kumon has given me a particular sense of confidence that I can be as smart as I want in anything I do. I know that I can achieve anything I want if I work on something consistently and with a sincere will and plan to do it.” Because Leya spent a lot of time traveling internationally with the dance production, she missed some time in school. The solid academic foundation and study skills she learned in Kumon helped her not only stay on pace with her classmates, but actually surpass her school grade level. She’s 12-years old studying high school algebra concepts in the Kumon Program. “Because of the skills I have learned in Kumon, I have the discipline and confidence to catch up on school work on my own when I’m travelling. Kumon has made my school work that much easier.” Leya gives us a little insight into how she approaches her Kumon studies. What is a challenge you faced in Kumon? How did you overcome it? In the beginning, Kumon was very easy for me. As I got into higher levels above my grade and to topics that were new to me, it became a challenge to not only do my work, but to self-learn and understand it. I used to seek help from my parents, but I knew that wasn’t what I was supposed to do. Instead, I decided to figure out the problems by myself, with minimum help, and repeat the problems to understand them and then gain the speed. What keeps you motivated in Kumon? I am always excited for the opportunity to learn something new. I love being introduced to different formulas and concepts like square roots and parabolic equations. I stay motivated because at Kumon my ability to learn, understand, and enjoy math isn’t restricted by my age or grade. I’m able to work independently and learn at my own pace without having to wait on anyone to catch up. And because of that, I’m also not afraid to make any mistakes. Instead, I learn from them and correct myself. All of these things keep me motivated. “In Kumon, you have to a have a lot of perseverance to keep going and have that drive and will to reach the higher level.”-Leya You might also be interested in: As Easy as Eating Cake: This Student Tackles Every Challenge that Comes His Way Defying All Odds: This Kumon Student is Headed to the Special Olympics Learning without Limits: This 6th Grader is Taking College Courses This Ballerina Applies Discipline And Perseverance On And Off The Stage

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Phrases of Manipulation

Phrases of Manipulation Have you ever visited the store just to take a look at the goods and an hour later you find yourself walking out of there with bags full of purchased products? Have you ever thought about the reason for this strange behavior? The whole secret is in the hands of smart managers who have studied psychological techniques. Do You want to have healthy teeth? Pronouncing this phrase, the seller of toothpaste uses two techniques of persuasion. The first the use of rhetorical questions. They are delivered in such a way that they force you to agree with the speaker, because the answer is obvious. This is done in order to inspire confidence and the feeling that the seller has the same outlook on life as the buyer. The second technique the use of yes-questions. It might not be questions in relation with the product. The seller may ask: Nice weather, isnt it? Once a person agrees with something, even something small and insignificant, it will be much easier to accept more important things, for example, to say, Yes, Ill buy it. Just like the yes-questions” the good humor is valid. A person in a good mood and more relaxed is much more ready to buy a product that it is associated with pleasant emotions. You deserve this car! People love flattery. They like it when they feel special, significant and intelligent. In everyday life, you can use this by talking to a man with the phrase: I do not think that a man of such a level as you will agree to find the time to help me In advertising, this technique usually involves a direct appeal: You appreciate quality, You do not like to waste time. Sometimes, to grow in viewers a sense of superiority, advertising shows people doing stupid things. We like those who make compliments, and we tend to trust those who are like us. Consequently, it is easier to convince us to buy something from them. (We believe that such intelligent people as you understand how this technique works.) You want to sell sugary sodas for the rest of your life? Or do you want to come with me and change the world? In this famous phrase, thanks to Steve Jobs who managed to lure John Sculley from PepsiCo, are several applied techniques of persuasion. First, a simplification. The reality constantly makes people feel uncomfortable. Professional manipulators help them relax for a moment, ignoring the difficulties and offering simple solutions. Deodorant, car or a certain brand of beer can make a person beautiful, popular and successful. It also acts as a factor of the Big Lie. As the great manipulator Adolf Hitler said: People are more suspicious with a small lie than with a big one. The third technique is also quite well known: the reduction of choice to two options, one of which is obviously worse. Instead of allowing a person to think about the many alternatives, manipulators give only two options to choose from. Only today 50% off. This technique works on the instinct of survival, causing fear of missing out on something valuable. The researcher Noah Goldstein of the Anderson School of Management calls it the instinct to grab all you can, or be left with nothing. The ads often use the appropriate slogans: Last Chance, Hurry up, before its too late. According to statistics, in the days sales people spend on buying 10% more, led by the  panic   Under stress a person loses the ability to think rationally. Renowned researcher Robert Cialdini calls this technique the creation of scarcity. The use of fear as a manipulative techniques possible in real life. For example, your boss may insinuate that in the near future there will be personnel cuts â€" that will force you to work more overtime. Its worth a million dollars! In English, this technique is called the door-in-the-face. The principle of its operation is that the manipulator first requests the meaningless highest price that a buyer, of course, can not pay. He then offers a much lower price, compared to the first sum. Because of the strong contrast it seems to the buyer a good deal, and he agrees to the purchase. The opposite to foot-in-the-door technique is also used frequently. Here, on the contrary, the buyer is offered to buy something cheap. Agreeing once, it is easier for him later on to make a more serious rejection. A similar principle is used in the technique of boiling point. In this case, the dealer drives the buyer to purchase inexpensive things, and when he is ready to buy, suddenly discovers that this is now out of stock, but there is a similar, more expensive product. The buyer has already mentally prepared himself for buying and easily decides to spend more just to finish the job. Do not be  afraid  or angry. Just smile and relax! Knowledge is the best arm against greedy businessmen. Let your logic  remain  always on.

NCIC Immersion School

NCIC Immersion School NCIC Immersion School Do you want to be a member of a team that would become the standard bearer of immersion education in China? The first comprehensive U.S. style dual language immersion elementary school in southern China for Chinese nationals. Inquiry and standard-based curriculum based on Marzano, Conley and Hatties research. Integrated language and literacy development best practice across the curriculum. Action research on paradigm shift from result focused learning to process driven learning in China. Purpose built instructional facility in Shenzhen, China; 30 minutes from Hong Kong, one hours ferry crossing to Macau. The NCIC-Immersion School, an independent division out of the Nanshan Chinese International College, opened in August 2016. Located inside the campus of one of the top independent schools in the city, the school currently provides a Kindergarten to Grade 2 lower elementary program in its founding year. Additional grade levels will be added in subsequent years through Grade 8, and later Grade 9 through 12. NCIC-Immersion uses a standard- based curriculum, adopting the Common Core States Standards for its framework. The school promotes a dual language immersion model based on current language research and is committed to action research as part of the ISS World Language Initiative for English as an Additional Language. Our Mission NCIC-Immersion provides a holistic education that balances social, emotional, academic and physical success through a challenging and progressive learner-centered program, nurturing our learners to become skilled Negotiators, Collaborators, Inquirers, and Complex Thinkers in a changing world. Location Shenzhen is a major city in the Guangdong Province, China, located in the Pearl River Delta. Situated immediately north of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the area was Chinas first Special Economic Zone instituted in late 1979 as a result of the policy for reform and opening. Shenzhen was one of the fastest growing cities in the world during the 1990s and 2000s. Current metropolitan area population is over 18 million. The city is a major financial center in southern China, and is dubbed as Chinas Silicon Valley due to its high concentration of technology companies. The newly established Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone -- Shenzhen Qian Hai area is intended to deepen liberation of trade services between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, and to streamline foreign investment and cooperation. In the decade to come, Shenzhen will continue to see growth and development. NCIC Immersion School NCIC Immersion School Do you want to be a member of a team that would become the standard bearer of immersion education in China? The first comprehensive U.S. style dual language immersion elementary school in southern China for Chinese nationals. Inquiry and standard-based curriculum based on Marzano, Conley and Hatties research. Integrated language and literacy development best practice across the curriculum. Action research on paradigm shift from result focused learning to process driven learning in China. Purpose built instructional facility in Shenzhen, China; 30 minutes from Hong Kong, one hours ferry crossing to Macau. The NCIC-Immersion School, an independent division out of the Nanshan Chinese International College, opened in August 2016. Located inside the campus of one of the top independent schools in the city, the school currently provides a Kindergarten to Grade 2 lower elementary program in its founding year. Additional grade levels will be added in subsequent years through Grade 8, and later Grade 9 through 12. NCIC-Immersion uses a standard- based curriculum, adopting the Common Core States Standards for its framework. The school promotes a dual language immersion model based on current language research and is committed to action research as part of the ISS World Language Initiative for English as an Additional Language. Our Mission NCIC-Immersion provides a holistic education that balances social, emotional, academic and physical success through a challenging and progressive learner-centered program, nurturing our learners to become skilled Negotiators, Collaborators, Inquirers, and Complex Thinkers in a changing world. Location Shenzhen is a major city in the Guangdong Province, China, located in the Pearl River Delta. Situated immediately north of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the area was Chinas first Special Economic Zone instituted in late 1979 as a result of the policy for reform and opening. Shenzhen was one of the fastest growing cities in the world during the 1990s and 2000s. Current metropolitan area population is over 18 million. The city is a major financial center in southern China, and is dubbed as Chinas Silicon Valley due to its high concentration of technology companies. The newly established Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone -- Shenzhen Qian Hai area is intended to deepen liberation of trade services between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, and to streamline foreign investment and cooperation. In the decade to come, Shenzhen will continue to see growth and development.

A Numeric Keypad Typing Tutor Can Help Improve Your Typing Skills

A Numeric Keypad Typing Tutor Can Help Improve Your Typing SkillsA numeric keypad typing tutor is an effective teaching tool for students who need to concentrate on typing. This type of tutor offers the student the opportunity to type using their finger, without the stress and strain of using a mouse or keyboard. Through interactive typing lessons, they can learn how to tap their fingers on the keyboard, rather than using the same key repeatedly.When using a numeric keypad, you will receive a clear signal when you're done typing and the screen will turn green. This allows you to see the progress of your typing in real time. Not only does this allow you to see how far you've got left, but it also provides you with an indicator as to what words are actually left to be typed.In addition to these typing lessons, other computer software programs are also available to help with the teaching process. These include special dictionaries that highlight words that you use frequently while typin g, and other software such as the Microsoft Office Word processor and WordPerfect editor. These programs will not only allow you to edit your own vocabulary, but will allow you to save the document as a word for use with another program, or a spreadsheet program.Students can also use a whiteboard to practice writing letters, or even spelling out the names of words to practice. Once you've completed a set of lessons, you can print out a fresh set of lessons, which can be used again.Another great feature of a numeric keypad typing tutor is that you can download a large number of templates from the internet. These templates can be used over again to help build the typing habits of students. If they miss one lesson, they can always find a template that they like and save it for that lesson.Other aspects of this tutor can include the option to take a test online. By taking this test, you can quickly see which lessons you did well on and which you struggled with. You can also use these te sts to choose which lessons to skip and which to take more frequently.Since the cost of tuition is very high, and because of the effective and quick method of teaching, a good investment can lead to a longer and more successful life as a typist. A typing tutor can not only improve your typing skills, but you will also learn to think in the correct way about typing, and have a better grasp of vocabulary.

Why Is The Study Of Chemistry Important?

Why Is The Study Of Chemistry Important?Chemistry is a science that can help us understand various aspects of life and living. It gives us a deeper understanding of the nature of matter, what substances have been used, how they are formed, and what uses will happen when we put them together in the correct way. But there are many other things that chemistry is useful for and therefore it is necessary to understand more about this subject so as to know when it is actually helpful and when it is not. So let us take a look at the different ways in which this subject can help us.When you ask what is chemistry and why is it important, the answer is obvious and without any doubt, the answer is very much great importance. We are not just talking about what happens at school but the discipline it is able to carry out on its own and therefore it can actually lead to better jobs. Those who have a job based on the chemistry they have studied will find themselves well paid and in a better positio n. Those who already have a job in a pharmaceutical company will surely find that they are more likely to get promoted as the industry is evolving. People who are into jobs such as this are those who are better at dealing with scientific experiments and they are those that will get better pay and are more likely to get promotions.Chemical reactions are the important thing, which takes place in the world, as we cannot predict what will happen. Every substance in our environment reacts to some extent with one another and this has led to the development of so many kinds of new chemical reactions. We have in our hands the power to create chemicals that are both good and bad and will get us to where we want to be. Chemicals which are able to help us to do this is the chemistry that we need to learn.Those who have to study this could go on to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, or any kind of jobs where you are required to deal with chemicals all the time. Chemicalssuch as chemicals which contain ammonia, chlorine, or lead are used everyday and they all react and change. And what the chemistry is able to do is to help us to make sure that what we need for our daily lives are being produced and where they are to be used.Your own personal chemical reactions are always going to be one hundred percent on top of your level. This means that your reactions will not be more advanced than others. So the reason why it is important for a chemist to study the chemistry is because they will be able to help you with anything that you require. This is so if they want to be able to teach their children better and learn more about the world and society at large.If you go to university you will find that those who do not study are better at performing college courses and you may wonder why is it important for people to study. Well, in this country we do not have the best education and what we have in terms of education is actually second best. That is because we don't have as much mon ey as other countries. And those who study have all the money and can afford to pay for a better education.So, why is it important for those who have to study for their university course to study the chemistry? As you can see it is because it can help you be successful in whatever job you decide to take and also can make you a better person in general. That is why those who have not learned chemistry are often the ones who find themselves struggling in life. So get to study now because you might just find yourself well paid and in a better position.

Preparing for Your Stay in Berlin Traveling Living in Berlin

Preparing for Your Stay in Berlin Traveling Living in Berlin The Ultimate Guide for Living in the German Capital ChaptersThe Necessary Budget for a Stay in BerlinThe Price of Services in the German CapitalSecuring Housing in Berlin CityThings You Must See in BerlinLeisure Activities in BerlinSome Advice for Your Trip AbroadIf you’ve chosen to visit Berlin for a weekend or for a long holiday â€" you’ve chosen the right city. Berlin is often ranked as one of the best places to live in the world - despite the recent rise in housing trouble.If you’re looking to experience the best that Germany has to offer, Berlin is one of the best cities to experience this. The German capital is a great place to live comfortably while visiting some of the monuments that have marked German history and culture.Whether you’re looking for the best place to live or stay during your visit in Berlin, this guide covers everything from housing costs to the best metro areas in the city.Deciding where to stay in Berlin can be difficult but exciting SönkeGerman Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all ou r tutors ClaudiaGerman Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SefaGerman Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HilaryGerman Teacher 5.00 (16) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LisaGerman Teacher 5.00 (8) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChrisGerman Teacher 5.00 (19) £39/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors WendyGerman Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HowardGerman Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Necessary Budget for a Stay in BerlinLiving or visiting Berlin has many positives, from its low crime, high living index and low median home price â€" your trip might make Berlin livability look extremely easy. However, taking a close look at your budget during your stay abroad is a vital step in planning your stay.Flights  can vary from as low as 30 pounds to 300 pounds. For example, the average cost of flying from Glasgow ranges from 75 pounds to 152 po unds, while flights from London have been known to reach even thousands of pounds.If you have time to spare, or want to lower your average monthly travel expenses, or are moving abroad an need a bit more flexibility in your travels, you can also make the journey to Berlin by car. If you’re travelling from the most expensive city in the UK, otherwise known as London, this journey will take you about 12 hours nonstop.If you’re travelling from Liverpool, however, your journey time will be almost the same as if you were living in Spain in Barcelona â€" from 15 hours to 20 hours nonstop. Please keep in mind that the average rent price for a car does not allow for you, normally, to travel from country to country.The Price of Services in the German CapitalWhile these prices might make it seem as if international living is quite pricey, or give you an impression that Berlin is one of the most expensive cities â€" it is actually one of the more affordable options for experiencing sausage s, bretzels, currywurst, apfelstrudel and more!In a country where the average household income is actually lower than that of the United Kingdom, Berlin can seem like a cheaper city to visit than many of the other capitals of Europe.Looking at the price comparison between Berlin and many major cities in the UK can give you an idea of why it is constantly voted as one of the best cities to live in and dispel the myth that it is an expensive city.Food in Berlin is actually 15% cheaper than in London, whereas transportation is a whopping 40% cheaper. While housing is 5% more expensive than in cities like Manchester, personal care including everything from doctor visits to shampoo â€" is about 21% cheaper.You don’t need to be an expert or have an economist intelligence background to realize that Berlin is actually also one of the best places to retire in Germany. Here are some of the average prices of some services you will need in Berlin that will give you an idea of the overall cost of living as well as insight as to why it’s one of the most liveable cities in the world.Basic dinner for two in a pub: 27 poundsTwo tickets to the theatre: 76  poundsA cocktail: 8  pounds1 pint of beer: 2.50  poundsMonthly public transport: 70  pounds SönkeGerman Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClaudiaGerman Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SefaGerman Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HilaryGerman Teacher 5.00 (16) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LisaGerman Teacher 5.00 (8) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChrisGerman Teacher 5.00 (19) £39/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors WendyGerman Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HowardGerman Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSecuring Housing in Berlin CityWhile you might be jumping at the chance to experience the expat life in what many consider the safest city in Northern Germany with such a low cost of living index, Berlin is not part of the small cities list. It does require some time in order to figure out the cheapest places to live or stay while on holiday.Luckily, we’ve compiled some key information that, while not being as meticulous as a cost of living calculator, will help you execute a living comparison to your current city.In Berlin, as with all German cities, there exists a rich culture of hostels. To give you an idea without going into any information from a cost of living survey, there are a little over 100 hostels in the Berlin area.The average price of a night in about 20 pounds, while the price of a night in a dorm can range anywhere from 4 to 80 pounds.   To compare cost of living and staying in a hostel in some of the major cities in Germany, the average price for a hostel in Munich is about 16 pounds while in Hamburg that price is about 25 pounds.If you’re looking towards Airbnb, the price of renting a single bedro om apartment around the centre of Berlin is around 50 to 80 euros. The living cost for a month renting from Airbnb is on average 1,600 pounds in July and 2,000 in November.You will most likely find the lowest cost of living and travelling to be from October to February, the lower cost of living being obviously associated with the colder weather and busier work seasons.Lodging in a HotelIf you have a more flexible budget or are paranoid about staying in hostels, despite the low crime rate associated with them, here is a cost of living comparison and visiting comparison to hotels in the Berlin area.Public transport in Berlin can be relatively cheaper than most major citiesThings You Must See in BerlinWhile there are many different components you should take into account while travelling or living abroad, such as affordability, median income, home prices and home value â€" another important consideration is what cultural activities the city has to offer. Berlin is a big city, which mea ns that it has many different social and historical monuments and museums that are worth checking out.Find German classes London on Superprof.Here are some of the must-see monuments while you’re staying in Berlin:Brandenburg GateReichstag buildingBerliner Dom, or Berlin CathedralFernsehturm de BerlinAlexanderplatzSchloss Charlottenburg palaceSanssouci palaceBerlin Victory ColumnOn the other hand, if you ever get tired of walking around or need some more historical stimulation, you’ll feel right at home in a capital that is full to the brim with museums and memorials, often with links to the Berlin wall. Here is a list of the sites you can visit:East Side GalleryMemorial to the Murdered Jews of EuropeCheckpoint CharliePergamon MuseumMemorial to the Berlin WallJewish MuseumGDR MuseumOne thing is for sure: you will never get bored in Berlin and you while it is certain you won’t have time to accomplish seeing everything during your stay, you can rest assured that you will get the most out of your visit.Find a German language course anywhere in the UK.Leisure Activities in BerlinNewcomers can be overwhelmed with the number of activities you can find in Berlin alone â€" which is why its important to have some ideas of what you can do for leisure activities.If you’re looking to spend a day simply wandering, there are no better location to do this than the Berlin Zoo or the Berlin aquarium. If you’re a sports lover, look towards the Berlin Olympic stadium in order to learn more about the interesting history of the building.In the winter, you will be able to profit from the ice skating rink at the Liquidrom. For those interested in film, the cinema tickets in Berlin are actually cheaper than in many major cities in the UK. And of course, there are plenty of bars and cheap beer to keep you entertained all year long.Get some tips from German people by reading online forums on living in Berlin!Some Advice for Your Trip AbroadAs with any new city, it takes a whil e to get used to the culture shock or simply to find the restaurants and bars that best fit your lifestyle.One great idea, if you’re ambitious and want to visit the majority of the monuments in Berlin, would be to get a Welcome Card. The special pass will allow you to travel on common transport for free while also scoring discounts on monuments, restaurants and museums in the city.If you’re the type of person that loves to discover a city by simply wandering about, renting a bicycle might be the perfect solution. Not only is it a cheap option for touring the city, Berlin is also one of the most bike friendly cities in Europe.If you’re interested in knowing when the best season is to travel to Berlin, know that the answer will depend on what you’d like to do during your visit. The summer is an ideal time for tourists who are looking for heat, outdoor activities and walking around. The winter season is more for tourists who want to avoid crowds, spend time in museums or simply prefer colder weather.Another tip to follow while you’re visiting or living in Berlin is that the city mostly functions on physical notes, so if you’re the type of person who only carries around debit cards â€" make sure to take out some cash before going anywhere in the city.

Thriving In A Brainstorming Meeting as an Introvert - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Thriving In A Brainstorming Meeting as an Introvert - Introvert Whisperer Thriving In A Brainstorming Meeting as an Introvert As an introvert in the workplace, nothing is more draining than meetings. I just want to sit at my desk, do my work and leave meetings to other people. Whenever I go to a meeting, even if I have nothing to say, I get called on to give my opinion. The hardest types of meetings though are brainstorms. With other meetings, you can get away with sitting in the back, saying something only when asked or when it’s your turn. Brainstorm meetings force creativity, interactions, and holding full-fledged conversations. Every time I’ve walked out of a brainstorm, I feel totally drained.   If you work in a creativity demanding environment like me, you’re probably well acquainted with brainstorms and the toll they take on your emotional well-being. Here are some tips to not only handle the stress but thrive in brainstorms and how to walk out not feeling squeezed dry.   Prepping Everybody Before the Brainstorm Far too much time is wasted at the beginning of poorly planned brainstorms trying to figure out what they’re gonna brainstorm. Having no topic, or an extremely loose topic just leads to long side conversations, additional interactions and wasted time.   By emailing everybody ahead of time and informing them of the focus for the brainstorm, it will help everybody hit the ground running. That means less chit chat, more work and the sooner you can get back to sweet solitude and start to recharge. If you aren’t in charge, encourage the facilitator to send that email out.   Finding The Right Place Lots of workplaces aren’t designed to promote creativity and collaborating, or may just don’t have a spare room to dedicate to brainstorms. In these situations, making everybody feel relaxed, including you, is next to impossible. Nobody wants to throw out ideas in a room next to the boss or in a public space where everybody can hear.   Finding a safe, relaxed spot for everybody helps get those creative juices flowing. If your office doesn’t have a space like this, encourage going off-site. This will transform a stuffy, stressful meeting into a more casual and relaxed get together with coworkers. Just be sure to stay focused and actually working. Some great places to head to are: coffee shops, libraries, local parks and office lobbies.   Promote creative ideas by providing members of the group with the tools needed to think up and explain ideas. Have a whiteboard or massive notepad for people to sketch out ideas to explain to the group. Have access to a computer so somebody can show an existing idea and bounce ideas on how it applies to the current problem. Identify and provide the tools your team needs so they can provide the most value in the meeting.   Being The Scribe Your brainstorm is only as good as the ideas remembered. That means somebody has to record all of the ideas that get tossed around. Volunteering to be the note taker for the meeting not only makes you a valuable member of the brainstorm but also allows you to be more in the background. Nobody expects too many ideas from the scribe because they are busy writing everything down.   That doesn’t mean you are off the hook, though. Be sure to still contribute ideas to the group and not use note taking as an escape. You simply have better control of your interactions and don’t have to push yourself to match those around you.   Every Idea is a Good Idea One massive fear in a meeting is saying an idea that people deem stupid and you being judged as unintelligent. Add that to crippling social anxiety or an introverted nature, and there is no chance of contributing to a group discussion.   The best brainstorms are upbeat, positive, sessions where ideas should be given without fear of judgment. You never know how your ideas can influence others, and crazy ideas can lead to great innovations. Having each participant be on board with this idea will reduce a lot of stress and make the meeting that much better.   Set a Time Limit One of the dangers of a brainstorm is people simply chatting or getting off topic. Brainstorms can easily turn into a two or three-hour time suck, even though all of the ideas were burned through in the first hour.   These drawn out interactions can be extremely draining, with you sitting, just wishing it would end, but too afraid to walk out. If you are in charge of setting up the brainstorm, define a clear start and stop time for the meeting. This will help focus the group to squeeze as much out of that time as possible. If you aren’t in charge of the meeting, scheduling a task after the meeting will give you an excuse to duck out and encourage everybody else to end the meeting. Be sure to let everybody know beforehand that you’ll have to leave so it doesn’t seem you are just abandoning the brainstorm.   The Value of Brainstorms While they can be very draining, brainstorms can be incredibly valuable in a creative career. Don’t shy away from calling a brainstorm when you’re stuck with something. You can avoid big scale brainstorms by having short, effective, impromptu sessions with just a few coworkers. Getting a few more minds involved in a problem can make creative solutions and build workplace camaraderie.   Do you have some tricks for getting the most out of brainstorms? How do you prevent yourself from getting totally drained after a meeting? Let us know in the comments below. Author: Ben Allen Ben Allen is a writer that covers topics from business, marketing, motivation and video games. His goal is to help everybody become better and make the world a nice place to live in. You can see more of his work by following him on Twitter @allen24ben. Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.